Articles by Elisabetta Franzoso
All articles are written in line with my unique approach to coaching using the 4 Dimensions methodology. The 4 Dimensions take the following basic human aspects into account:
Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Relational to help you discover for yourself what is holding you back and to reshape your life from the inside out. I have also added two additional dimensions, spiritual and confidence as these are integral to my work and coaching process.
The Physical Dimension
The Physical Dimension explores the part of us that communicates with the external world, our body which is the temple and container of our mind. Within this dimension I address physical confidence and explore the importance of movement and nutrition and sleep patterns.
Recent blog posts exploring the Physical Dimension
The Emotional Dimension
The Emotional Dimension looks in particular at the right part of the brain, where your emotions stem out. Emotions are crucial to us being human. I look at the importance of the Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in building confidence in ourselves and relationships with others.
Blog posts exploring the Emotional Dimension
The Intellectual Dimension
The Intellectual Dimension looks at the left part of our brain ‘the thinking or logical mind’. This is where we we think, analyze, judge and critique. Many of us find that we have been conditioned to think and talk in a negative way, which is why I explore ways we can rewind this.
Blog posts exploring the Intellectual Dimension
The Relational Dimension
The Relational Dimension looks at how human beings build relationships. There are different kinds of relationships we can build and learn from. It’s important to explore all of our relationships or lack of - whether that was with our parents, partners, teachers, friends or children.
Blog posts exploring the Relational Dimension
The Spiritual Dimension
The Spiritual Dimension looks at how human beings incorporate spirituality into their lives. This doesn’t just have to mean religion, Spirituality can manifest within your life in many shapes and forms. It can have a profound impact on the other dimensions.
Blog posts exploring the Spiritual Dimension
The Confidence Dimension
The Confidence Dimension looks at self-confidence and how confidence shows up in relationships. It’s important to build our confidence levels, to show up for ourselves, in relationships, family and work settings.
Blog posts exploring the Relational Dimension
Alternatively, read through my articles here:
The Wound of the Narcissist (Part 2)
Just before Covid -19 pandemia impacted our life, I remember Jesus Sanfiz Nou, a well-known psychologist based in Barcelona, saying:
“Elisabetta, why don’t you build a workshop or a training programme and teach how to recognise and manage ‘narcissism’? Today it is such an important topic. You have been surrounded and challenged by several narcissists in your life: in family of origin, marriage, and in the world of work and friendships too.
The Wound of the Narcissist (Part 1)
Let's start with what characterizes a narcissist. The recurring characteristics in a pathological narcissist are varied: feelings of emptiness, boredom, and emotional anesthesia. Narcissists are often portrayed as charming, confident and proud, convincing and excellent communicators. Just look at some of the leaders who rule our world today! Let's not forget that one of the most common characteristics of narcissism and its communication is… manipulation.