
Journey to self love

Meeting Elisabetta has been an incredible turning point in my life. This amazing woman has given me the resources to discover things about myself that I would have struggled with without her help. I reached out to her during a very tough time of my life, and I am sitting writing this feeling in a completely different headspace, largely down to the conversations we have had.

She has not only helped me realise things about myself that I need to work on, but has also helped me to appreciate things about myself, and really work on loving myself again. I already have, and will continue to speak to lots of people about how inspirational Elisabetta has been for me. My journey with her is still very much in its infancy, and I'm excited to continue this journey together. Thank you for all your help you amazing person!

Martin Linch, 28 (UK) - Relationship Coaching

Self Belief Coaching

“Before working with Elisabetta, I thought I had a good understanding of who I was as a person. I thought I had gone into my past, worked on my life experiences and moved forward. I thought I had an excellent understanding of my emotions and was in control of who I am as a person.

After only six sessions with Elisabetta, she opened my eyes to who I am and what I want in life. She’s enabled me to see things from my past that I had no idea even existed and then guided me through a process of helping me to understand why I am the way I am, why I do what I do, and how I can move my life forward.

I’m now in an incredible place. Sure, there is always more work to do, and I have been working on myself for years before now, but having someone to listen to you and to guide you is life-changing. I suddenly feel like like I have permission to be myself and believe in who I am and what I stand for. I’ve never felt so alive and so in the flow of life.”

— Callum Cadney-Moon, 27 (UK) - Confidence Coaching and Mentoring

International Life Coach

“Elisabetta has been a turning point in my life. Two years ago I was experiencing a difficult time both professionally and personally, I had recently moved from Italy to Singapore for work and things were not going well. I started looking for a coach who would help me understand how to improve the situation, after Googling, I bumped into Elisabetta and started a wonderful journey.

She has accompanied me on a path of profound reconnection and acceptance of myself; together we explored my relationships from childhood to adulthood, I was able to see and process my emotions, to recognise my triggers, my blind spots and moving on to my potential and gifts. I have always felt free and safe with her loving, compassionate and firm guidance. Her professionalism and holistic work style in 4 dimensions have made me passionate about the subject and now, besides being my coach and counsellor, she is also my mentor on the path to becoming a coach and therapist ... as I said at the beginning, Elisabetta was the game changer of my life and I couldn't be more grateful to have met her.”

— Cristina Casagrande, 32 (Singapore) - Coaching and Mentoring

Fear Coaching for maximising your full potential

“I have known Elisabetta for nearly 20 years. We both lived in Singapore but lost touch when I moved back to London.
I was very lucky when a common friend of ours reconnected me to Elisabetta while she was visiting her daughter in London. I had previously gone through the Hoffman process, and knowing that Elisabetta was a Hoffman Process Facilitator helped to reassure me that she was the right coach for me - guiding me through the obstacles I was facing in my personal and professional life. Elisabetta guided me with a firm hand, love, empathy and great knowledge. The results were immediate; I faced my fears and found trust in myself.

My life has improved dramatically and what it seemed a year ago “mission impossible”, at the beginning of this New Year 2019 feels more like “mission accomplished”. I still have to continue my journey, I still have to work on myself, but I am confident and looking forward to a new and exciting journey. My fear is gone; I celebrate the benefits that come from my new awareness. Grazie Elisabetta, for your passion, for your big heart, I look forward to continuing my journey under your wonderful guidance.”

— Ivana Daniel (UK)

Personal Growth

“In short: Elisabetta is a coach and human being with deep vitality and a passion to walk her talk.”

Marino Nocera -  Schools Teacher & Sport Instructor - ITALY (62)

Holidays with a life coach

“After one year of coaching & training with Elisabetta, I feel something has transformed inside out. My attitude towards myself and my career has changed 180 degrees. The vitality and passion I had when I started my business came back. Overall, today I feel the courage to make and embrace change and move forward by making choices that lead me out of my comfort zone when needed. I want to stress that Elisabetta’s knowledge and passion to be an authentic guide who ‘walk her talk’, has helped me develop self-awareness and boost my self-confidence in depth. Elisabetta has also guided me to find clarity and develop a short and long-term plan of what I want to achieve in my career in the next few years. Today I look and consider her a valued ally in life and business."

— Bander Bin Awwad - Executive Secretary || CEO’s Office at Confidential (Riyadh - Saudi Arabia) 2023

Personal Growth Coaching

“Elisabetta is an outstanding coach! She has kindness, empathy, courage and an incredible passion for life and what she does. Most important, Elisabetta is authentic. She will challenge you and your limiting beliefs. She truly cares about human beings and she will guide you to be your best.”

Arianna Zucchetta - Senior Talent & Acquisition Manager ( London - UK ) 2023

More Testimonials

I urge you to choose your coach according to your needs and wants. I always suggest carefully researching the coach you will choose to guide you along the journey of self-discovery. You will be building a necessary bond and deep trust in the process of your transformation, so it's crucial to find the most fitting life coach for you.

To find out if we are a good fit, schedule a free 30-minute call with me.